Oral Surgeon Flower Mound, TX

FloMo Dental is your final destination in search of the best oral surgeon serving Flower Mound, TX. Our team of experienced and highly skilled oral surgeons is passionate about providing exceptional oral surgery and surgical care in Flower Mound, TX. They are committed to delivering comfortable and safe treatments irrespective of your need for wisdom tooth extraction, dental implants, corrective jaw surgery, or any other oral surgical procedure.

The oral surgeon at FloMo Dental strives to make your experience as seamless and painless as possible.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Treatment 

Improper emergence of third molars, also known as wisdom teeth, causes acute pain and difficulties in eating. In such cases, dentists generally recommend surgery to alleviate the pain. Wisdom tooth extraction is among the most performed dental surgeries worldwide, yet people remain apprehensive about the procedure.

FloMo Dental houses some of the most skilled and experienced wisdom teeth removal dentists in Flower Mound, TX, who perform the surgery seamlessly. Here is a brief about the wisdom tooth extraction procedure.

  • Consultation: During the initial consultation, the dentist will examine your mouth and oral X-rays before discussing the best action for you.
  • Preparing for Surgery: If the doctor recommends surgery, they will provide you with instructions to prepare for the surgery.
  • Anesthesia: On the day of surgery, the dentist will administer local anesthesia to ensure a pain-free and comfortable surgery. In a very complex procedure, the doctor may administer general anesthesia.
  • Extraction: The surgeon begins the extraction process once the anesthesia takes effect. They incision your gum tissue to access the impacted tooth and gently extract it from its socket.
  • Closure: After the extraction, the doctor will clean the area to remove debris or infection. And depending on the length of the incision, they may stitch up your gums for proper healing.
  • Post-op Care: After the surgery, the surgeon will provide instructions for post-op care. The instructions include the guidelines for pain management and hygiene practices. It is necessary to follow the instructions for a speedy recovery.
Oral Surgery / Treatment in Flower Mound

Sometimes, your dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure your recovery is without complications. The wisdom teeth removal procedure may vary per case; hence it is better to consult your doctor for information and guidance.

Why choose us

Why Choose FloMo Dental for Oral Surgery in Flower Mound?

FloMo Dental, your trusted oral surgeon in 75028, delivers excellent results with unmatched care to preserve and enhance oral health.

Oral expertise

Oral expertise

Providing the best oral care with the highest level of experience and skill.

Advanced technology

Advanced technology

Leveraging the latest technologies for satisfying oral care with maximum precision.

Anxiety-free environment

Anxiety-free environment

Maintaining a stress-free environment to keep you relaxed throughout.

Comfortable Environment

Personalized Treatment

Creating individualized treatment plans to guarantee successful outcomes.


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